atr-1oEVK | 24/02/2021 | 0 | Beauty

Dry eyes is an eye condition that occurs when your tears cannot provide enough lubrication for your eyes. this is a common eye condition among women. The tears can be unstable or inadequate for various reasons, such as poor-quality tears, which ultimately lead to inflammation or damage to the eye’s surface. Dry eyes make you feel uncomfortable, and your eyes may sting or burn. You may feel discomfort, especially when you study or look at a computer screen for too long, when in an airplane, riding a bike, or in an airconditioned room.

However, dry eyes treatments can make you feel more comfortable, thanks to dry eye clinics such as VU.  Treatment options may include eye drops and lifestyle changes to address the risk factors. Various factors that interfere with the tear film may cause dry eyes.

Common causes of dry eyes

First of all, understand that your tear film comprises three layers, namely, aqueous fluid, mucus, and fatty oils, a combination that keeps the eye clear, lubricated and smooth. According to The Dry Eye Clinic in Montreal, any problem with any of these layers causes dry eyes, such as a tear film dysfunction resulting from inflamed eye glands, allergic eye disease, autoimmune disease, or hormone changes.

Decreased tear production

Dry eyes may occur when you are unable to produce enough aqueous fluid. It may be due to:

  • Specific medical conditions such as vitamin A deficiency, thyroid disorder, allergic eye disease, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, lupus, Parkinson’s disease, or Sjogren’s syndrome.
  • Aging
  • Certain medications such as antihistamines, hormone replacement therapy, decongestants, antidepressants, acne, and birth control medication.
  • Corneal nerve de-sensitivity that may be brought by the use of contact lens or nerve damage.

Tear evaporation

When the oil glands in the edge of your eyelids get clogged, they cannot produce the oil film to lubricate your eyes. Tear evaporation may result from various factors, including:

  • Meibomian gland dysfunction.
  • Eye allergies.
  • Vitamin A deficioencies.
  • Exposure to more wind, dry air, or smoke.
  • Blinking less often which may occur in conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.
  • Preservatives in topical eye drops.

Risk factors for dry eyes

The risk factor that may trigger dry eyes include:

  • Being a woman-women experience hormonal changes due to birth control medication, pregnancy, and menopause. That is why dry tears is common in women.
  • Being older than 50years of age since tear production tends to diminish with age.
  • Eating foods that lack Vit A and low omega-three fatty acids (Vitamin A is found in foods such as carrots, liver, broccoli, etc. while omega three is found in fish and vegetable oils)
  • Regular use of contact lens.

Prevention measures for dry eyes

  • Take breaks during long-duration tasks that involve staring for too long such as using a computer. Close your eyes for some minutes or blink continuously during the breaks.
  • Be aware of the environment. For instance, in high altitudes, the air tends to be dry, so you can frequently close your eyes to reduce tear evaporation.
  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to dry indoor air.
  • Avoid dry air that blows directly to your eyes, such as blowdryers.
  • Avoid smoke and stop smoking.
  • Consider wearing protective eyewear to block wind or dry air.


Avoid risk factors that trigger dry eyes as much as possible. If you have chronic dry eyes, ask your doctor to recommend medication such as artificial tears to keep your eyes lubricated.

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